Author: fmoens
Short Film Conference 2016 @ Clermont-Ferrand 8/Feb
Programme of the 2016 Short Film Conference is as follows:
15.00 – 16.00 – Table discussion entry fees, screening fees for shorts
It’s has been a discussion between festivals, filmmakers, film boards for years.. what about entry fees? A necessarily evil to contain the huge amounts of films flooding the festivals ? And should you expect a screening fee as filmmaker if your film does make the selection. A panel of experts in their own field discuss, together with the audience, different views.
Speakers: Pauline Ginot (Autour de Minuit, distributor), Eman Shihab (Reelport, submission platform), Simon Koenig (Swiss Films, governmental agency), Jukka-Pekka Laakso (Tampere Film Festival), Sydney Neter (SND Films, sales agent), Julien Westermann (Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival)
Moderator: Mick Hannigan (IndieCork)
16.05 – 17.15 – How to make your film festival louder by Iain Alexander
This lecture will cover some of the ways film festivals can boost their international presence and their social influence to significantly increase film submissions and attendance. This will also cover partnerships to help festivals bring additional revenue.
17.30 – 18.20 – Short Film Conference – general assemblee
18.20 – 19.00 – Network drinks, offered by Clermont-Ferrand SFF
19.30 – Network Diner @ Hotel Kyriad
Location lectures & assemblee: Maison de la Culture, Salle Gripel, Boulevard François Mitterrand 71.
Location diner: Hotel Kyriad, Avenue de la Libération 25
See you there!
IMPORTANT: For everyone that might be interested to be (more) involved into the organisation of the SFC, we are having a meeting at 11:00 (we’ll meet in Salle Louis-Chavignier (the same place where you collect your accreditation) at 10:55). We’ll discuss new plans for the SFC and a possible restructure in management, to be presented during the general assemblee. If you would like to join us, just show up and preferably also mail us first at Thanks!
Help us promote Short Film Conference
Please help us promote the Short Film Conference by adding our logo to your website, catalogue, and all external publications, if possible with a link to this site. While an ad is being created, please download our logo in one of the following formats:
print quality: png-format ; TIFF (CYMK) ; Adobe Illustrator
Short Film Conference Statutes
The Shortfilmconference is an informal body, concerned with professional short fiction and animation films as well as with documentaries.
The Shortfilmconference defines short films as all types of films at the maximum length of 60 minutes.
The Aims of the Shortfilmconference
- To promote the exhibition of short films through all different media.
- To foster the role of film festivals and monitor their activities as to distribution of short films.
- To encourage co-operation between festivals.
- To lend active support to film festivals which implement the aims of the ISFC.
- To further the exchange of views and information between festivals, governmental and non-governmental organizations, film agencies and film schools in order to stimulate and facilitate action for financing, production and distribution of short films.
- To publish regular information concerning the matters above.o make recommendations for film festivals, governmental and non- government organizations, agencies and film schools based on the current and constantly changing media-situation.
- To propose standards and guidelines for matters concerning circulation, evaluation and registration of short films.
The Members of the Shortfilmconference
- Delegates and representatives of governmental or national film boards concerned with production, distribution or promotion of short films.
- Delegates and representatives of regional, national or international film organizations, associations, film schools or agencies concerned with production, distribution or promotion of short films.
- Organizers of international short film festivals or feature film festivals presenting short films.
- Individuals concerned with production, distribution or promotion of short films.
- Only members who have paid their annual membership fee have the right to vote at the General Assembly meetings.
See also: General Assembly Meetings :: Budget and Accounts
Membership Procedure
- Current members (and by current members, we mean members who are currently already mentioned at the website) will be asked within the next 2-3 months to pay a membership fee of 40 euro.
- SFC will provide a simple online payment system, like Paypal, to avoid heavy international banking fees
- We propose that the first year of this new membership fee, the membership will last longer than the usual one year, more specifically till December 31st
- Aspiring members have to follow this procedure:
- Agree with the code of ethics and fill in the membership form at:
- A subcommittee consisting of Julien Westerman (Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival, France), Mick Hannigan (IndieCork, Ireland) and Frank Moens (Leuven Short Film Festival, Belgium) will review the application and vote for the festival (or organisation) to be accepted or not.
- If the majority of the subcommittee accepts the organisation to be compliant with the code of ethics, the organisation is invited to pay the membership fee of 40 euro).
- Once paid, the organisation is an official member of the Short Film Conference, the organisation will be mentioned in the “Members List” at and will have its own private page of the website.
- The organisation is asked to include the logo (made by experts like GraphicSprings) of the Short Film Conference in their external communication (website, catalogue, …) and –where possible- even provide the Short Film Conference with an ad in their catalogue
Minutes Short Film Conference General Assemblee 2 February 2015
1. Subcommittees
- The day was started by the gathering of two subcommittees discussing an updated ‘code of ethics’ and a procedure for accepting new members / whether or not to ask a membership fee.
- Attendees subcommittee “code of ethics” :
- Tim Redford (Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival, France)
- Mick Hannigan (IndieCork, Ireland)
- Alexandra Gramatke (Kurz Film Agentur Hamburg, Germany)
- Frank Moens (Leuven Short Film Festival, Belgium)
- Attendees subcommittee “membership procedure / fee”
- Julien Westermann (Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival, France)
- Mick Hannigan (IndieCork, Ireland)
- Sven Schwarz (Hamburg International Short Film Festival, Germany)
- Frank Moens (Leuven Short Film Festival, Belgium)
- Attendees subcommittee “code of ethics” :
- Both committees were successful as they agreed on both a new code of ethics and a (new) membership requirement / fee respectively.
2. Workshops
- Unlike previous years, the general assemble was preceded by two specialized ‘workshops’.
- The first workshop “Digital file formats and compression for aspiring nerds” was an introductory glance at the theoretical basis of sound, image and video compression. About 70 members attended the workshop. Lecture was given by Frank Moens (Leuven Short Film Festival):
- The second workshop “Creative sparks Sessions – Festival marketing” featured short lectures by Miguel Valverde of Indie Lisboa (Social media & marketing) and Laurent Crouzeix (Community targeting). About 80 members attended this workshop.
3. General assembly
- After a short explanation concerning the “new vision” of what the task can / should be of the new Short Film Conference, the general assemble was asked to vote for three changes in regards of the structure of the organisation of SFC.
- First Vote: Official name change for the organisation to “Short Film Conference” and its URL 98% YES – 2% ABSTAIN – 0% NO
- è From now on our organisation will be referred to as “Short Film Conference”
- Second vote: Acceptance of the new code of ethics – 95% YES – 5% ABSTAIN – 0% NO
- è The old code of ethics has been replace by the new code of ethics effective immediately
- See annex 1 : Code of Ethics
- Third vote: Proposal regarding membership criteria & membership fees – 95% YES – 5% ABSTAIN – 0% NO
- Proposal is accepted and will be applied for all aspiring and existing members
- See annex 2 : Membership procedure
- Due to time constraints we did not have time to do the ‘traditional’ name call of every member present. There wasn’t even time for a suggested ‘faster option’ of only asking new members (for whom this assembly was their first) to present themselves. We think that, now finally most of the lingering administrative hassle is behind us, we will have more time next year.
- After the general assembly, a complementary drink was offered by the Clermont-Ferrand festival, after which we had dinner at the nearby Hotel Kyriad Prestige.
4. Remarks & suggestions for next year
- To be tackle more, in-depth and practical issues, we would need to have an auditorium simular to Salle Grippel for the entire day. Hopefully the Clermont-Ferrand festival can help us out.
- Quite a few members suggested not eating in an hotel anymore, but in an actual restaurant. The low ceilings, quite distant servers and sterile atmosphere were not considered to be ideal.
This assemblee has 2 annexes attached:
- Annex 1 – Updated Code of Ethics for members of the Short Film Conference 2015,
- Annex 2 – Membership procedure
Pay membership Fee
As agreed by the general assemblee in Clermont-Ferrand at February 2nd, 2015, all (potential) members are requested to pay 40 euro membership fee per year. As this is the first year of (re-)introduction of the fee, we have decided to make this contribution valid till the december 31st, 2016. This small donation will make it possible for the organisation to professionalize its work and to ask a concrete (albeit small) commitment of its members.
Aspiring members (those who haven’t been to previous meetings in Clermont-Ferrand) will have to be approved by a subcommittee. Please read the entire procedure via this link.
Please click on the button below, you will be directed to the (100% secure) Paypal website, you are able to pay with most major credit cards. If you have further questions, please contact info(at)
Thank you!
Thank you for your support of the Short Film Conference. Your contribution will make you an official member until December 31st, 2016. After manual review, your listing on the website will get the “official member” stamp.
In the meantime, I would like to ask you to help spread the word an include the logo in your communication channels (website, catalogue, publication, …). You’ll find the necessary material via this link.
As we’re looking for a more definite solution, your donation will be held temporarily by “Short Film Conference Belgium – unincorporated association” (feitelijke vereniging), which is a very low-key and easy legal structure. All funds will go to the main organization, please feel free to inquire about the financial situation at all times.
The menu @ Shortfilmconference Clermont Ferrand 2015
Le Bistrot de Clermont
International Conference – Monday 2nd February 2015
Dinner 19:30 Dining Room Coubertin
Foie gras ravioli served with Asian-style sauce
Fillet of sea bream, white wine sauce and black rice risotto
Fondant served with a ginger cream sauce and orange segments
Vegetarian menu
Chestnut soup, poached egg
Crunchy vegetable risotto served with asparagus and hazelnut sauce
Fondant served with a ginger cream sauce and orange segments
Attending Shortfilmconference 2015 @ Clermont-Ferrand