Programme of the 2016 Short Film Conference is as follows:
15.00 – 16.00 – Table discussion entry fees, screening fees for shorts
It’s has been a discussion between festivals, filmmakers, film boards for years.. what about entry fees? A necessarily evil to contain the huge amounts of films flooding the festivals ? And should you expect a screening fee as filmmaker if your film does make the selection. A panel of experts in their own field discuss, together with the audience, different views.
Speakers: Pauline Ginot (Autour de Minuit, distributor), Eman Shihab (Reelport, submission platform), Simon Koenig (Swiss Films, governmental agency), Jukka-Pekka Laakso (Tampere Film Festival), Sydney Neter (SND Films, sales agent), Julien Westermann (Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival)
Moderator: Mick Hannigan (IndieCork)
16.05 – 17.15 – How to make your film festival louder by Iain Alexander
This lecture will cover some of the ways film festivals can boost their international presence and their social influence to significantly increase film submissions and attendance. This will also cover partnerships to help festivals bring additional revenue.
17.30 – 18.20 – Short Film Conference – general assemblee
18.20 – 19.00 – Network drinks, offered by Clermont-Ferrand SFF
19.30 – Network Diner @ Hotel Kyriad
Location lectures & assemblee: Maison de la Culture, Salle Gripel, Boulevard François Mitterrand 71.
Location diner: Hotel Kyriad, Avenue de la Libération 25
See you there!
IMPORTANT: For everyone that might be interested to be (more) involved into the organisation of the SFC, we are having a meeting at 11:00 (we’ll meet in Salle Louis-Chavignier (the same place where you collect your accreditation) at 10:55). We’ll discuss new plans for the SFC and a possible restructure in management, to be presented during the general assemblee. If you would like to join us, just show up and preferably also mail us first at Thanks!