Short Film Conference Statutes

The Shortfilmconference is an informal body, concerned with professional short fiction and animation films as well as with documentaries.

The Shortfilmconference defines short films as all types of films at the maximum length of 60 minutes.

The Aims of the Shortfilmconference

  • To promote the exhibition of short films through all different media.
  • To foster the role of film festivals and monitor their activities as to distribution of short films.
  • To encourage co-operation between festivals.
  • To lend active support to film festivals which implement the aims of the ISFC.
  • To further the exchange of views and information between festivals, governmental and non-governmental organizations, film agencies and film schools in order to stimulate and facilitate action for financing, production and distribution of short films.
  • To publish regular information concerning the matters above.o make recommendations for film festivals, governmental and non- government organizations, agencies and film schools based on the current and constantly changing media-situation.
  • To propose standards and guidelines for matters concerning circulation, evaluation and registration of short films.

The Members of the Shortfilmconference

  • Delegates and representatives of governmental or national film boards concerned with production, distribution or promotion of short films.
  • Delegates and representatives of regional, national or international film organizations, associations, film schools or agencies concerned with production, distribution or promotion of short films.
  • Organizers of international short film festivals or feature film festivals presenting short films.
  • Individuals concerned with production, distribution or promotion of short films.
  • Only members who have paid their annual membership fee have the right to vote at the General Assembly meetings.


See also: General Assembly Meetings :: Budget and Accounts