International Short Film Festival Oberhausen



Founded in 1954, the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen is one of the major international crossroads for the short form, unique in the range of forms and genres it presents to the public, and particularly well known for its spotlight on experimentation. In the course of more than six decades, filmmakers and artists ranging from Roman Polanski to Cate Shortland, from George Lucas and Martin Scorsese to Pipilotti Rist and Eija-Liisa Ahtila, have presented their first works in Oberhausen.

The Festival organises an International, a Children’s and Youth Films and a German Competition and the MuVi Award for the Best German Music Video as well as the NRW Competition for productions from North Rhine-Westphalia. In addition, Oberhausen is known for its strong line of thematic programmes such as “Social Media Before the Internet” (2017), “Leaving the Cinema (2018) or “The Language of Attraction. Trailers between Advertising and the Avant-garde” (2019). Other sections are dedicated to individual artists or international archives, in the “Distributors” showcase, international distributors of avant-garde films present selections from their catalogues. In 2018, the festival introduced four new sections, “Conditional Cinema”, “Labs”, “re-selected” and the “Lectures”.

Oberhausen also operates a well-stocked Video Library, a non-commercial short film distribution branch and a unique archive of short films from more than 60 years of festival history.

In 2018 the festival received more than 7,300 competition submissions from around 140 countries. A total of nearly 42,000 Euros prize money was awarded. The festival screened a total of ca. 500 films and registered around 1,000 accreditations and ca. 18,000 entries.

Event date

30.04.2022 ⟶ 09.05.2022

International Competition: 8 awards worth a total of €25,500
German Competition: 2 awards worth a total of €7,500
NRW Competition: 3 awards worth a total of €2,250
International Children’s and Youth Film Competition: 3 awards worth a total of €3,000
MuVi Award: 3 awards worth a total of €3,500

Event Adress (map)
Lichtburg Filmpalast Oberhausen, Elsässer Str. 26,
46045 Oberhausen

Admin Adress
Grillostr. 34,
46045 Oberhausen,

Hilke Doering

(Head of the International Competition)

Born in 1966, raised in Germany and Switzerland. She studied sociology in Bielefeld and Paris and did research on visual sociology and ethnography. She has been with the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen since 1995 in the capacity of head of the International Competition, the Children’s and Youth Cinema and the Market. Additionally she is in charge of international festival policies. In this context she was a member of the board of the European Coordination of Film Festivals from 1996 to 2000 and president of the International Short Film Conference from 1998 to 2003. Since 1996 she has been jury member at numerous international film and video festivals, including Split, Venice and Cork.