Cine a la Calle International Short Film Festival



Founded back in 2005 out of the frame provided by the International Short Film Festival Cine a la Calle which initiated in 2001, the Fundación Cine a la Calle promotes the equal access to the production and joy of the film making and audiovisual arts.

Besides the Festival, we develop other programs that foster our vision, such as: (1) Cine Accesible: adaptation of films for deaf and blind people, (2) Paz A La Cámara: community film making and appreciation with vulnerable demographic groups, (3) A La Calle Productora: an audiovisual production house with a strong approach on the inclusion of more fair narratives around social issues, (4) FICICA – International Short Film Festival Cine a la Calle.

Event date


The FICICA awards achievement in (1) Animation, (2) Human Rights & Justice Content, (3) Community-Making, (4) Best Local Short Film – Caribbean Region of Colombia, (5) Best National Short Film, (6) Best International Short Film, (7) Best Filminuto – One Minute Films.

Admin Address
Carrera 29 #40-27 Casa 11
Barranquilla (ATL.)

Harold Ospina Hincapié

(Festival Director)

Director and Producer of Radio & TV of the Universidad Autonoma del Caribe in Colombia, Minor in Arts & Culture Management of the same university, and Master Degree in Audiovisual Narratives of the Universidad del Magdalena, also in Colombia. He has been the Director of the Fundación Cine a la Calle since its foundation back in 2005.